Our Mission
To make followers of Jesus who in turn teach and train others
Our Promise
To be true to the scriptural model of discipleship
Our Vision
To see disciples of Jesus come into maturity in their faith
Destiny School of Ministry is a local Bible school with the goal to help every believer discover who they are created to be in Christ Jesus, be deployed to whatever area of influence the Lord has given to a person, and fulfill the destiny that God has planned for them from before creation. DSM is a satellite location of Vision Christian Bible College & Seminary and is one of several campuses both nationally and internationally.
Students have the ability to earn their Associate, Bachelor, and Master degrees at our main campus in Celina Ohio with classes normally being held on Monday through Wednesday. We also have a campus in Lima Ohio where students can attend weekly classes. Our studies focus primarily on achieving a degree in Biblical Studies and or Counseling, but we do have curriculum being created to achieve a Business Administration degree.