2023 Fall Semester- Celina Campus

Supernatural Living
to Nov 20

Supernatural Living

We as Christians recognize that we serve a supernatural God in a supernatural realm. The spiritual realm, though you may not be able to experience it through your natural senses, is more real than the physical world you see. We are instructed that our warfare is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers; and our weapons are divinely powered for the destruction of these forces. As Christians, we are on assignment by our Creator for the purpose of spreading His kingdom. In this course, we will go over that your life is much more than a cycle of business that leaves no room for the Lord to use you. As supernatural beings, we are called to operate in the realm we are from, so though we live in this natural world, we need to operate out of our supernatural nature.

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The Power of Prayer— JC Alzamora
to Oct 23

The Power of Prayer— JC Alzamora

Prayer is one of a believers’ most powerful weapons! Unfortunately, in may religious circles today, the idea of prayer has become nothing more than a religious act to appease the God they may or may not believe in. JC will be discussing what prayer should look like in our lives as born again, spirit filled believers and remind us that prayer allows us to be in communication with the Creator of the Universe anytime, anywhere.

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Ministry Action Plan (M.A.P)
to Oct 3

Ministry Action Plan (M.A.P)

This self-assessment tool is designed to help believers discover who they are, what they want to do, and determine how to get there to fulfill their destiny.  Discovery of spiritual gifts and learning to set goals in ministry are key to the success one will have in the Kingdom of God.  We will also explore prophetic words that each student has received. We recognize that most people alive today have very little to no understanding of their purpose on this earth. Our goal through this course is to help each student know what their Creator has created them for in their specific life.

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Spiritual Authority
to Oct 2

Spiritual Authority

Authority is a topic that often times has a negative connotation due to incorrect ideologies and examples we see in our world today. Despite what we see today, as believers we are called to be under authority and in authority as modeled by Jesus during His ministry on the earth. We have the perfect authoritative figure over us, who is also the King of the universe and King over His everlasting Kingdom. It is our responsibility as citizens of God’s Kingdom to understand how to rightly relate to all authority in our lives. We will be going through the book “Spiritual Authority” written by Watchman Nee to learn this important life topic.

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